Thursday, June 19, 2008

Winter walks

It’s easy to spend the winter months snuggled up by the fire with a good book, a box of chocolates and the dog curled up at your feet. Truth be known, the dog would much prefer you to put on your walking shoes, grab a lead and go for a walk.

In most parts of Australia there are very few days where the weather is so bad that a walk is unpleasant. Winter and early spring bring crisp mornings which are far more pleasant for walking than summer heat.

If the weather is nasty, both the dog and owner can wear rain gear. Pet stores have a large choice of dog coats ranging from the purely fashionable in an array of colours and patterns, to the very practical oilskin. It may not be possible to take the dog for a fitting but all you need is the dog’s measurement around the middle at the deepest part of the body, and also the length of body.

In many parts of Australia, dogs are banned from beaches during the warmer months so winter can be an ideal time to take the dog for a walk along a deserted beach. Many beaches allow dogs off lead during this period and there are few dogs which do not react with joy at running free on the sand, sniffing unusual smells of the sea, and even having a paddle or trying to catch waves.

Dogs which get wet during a walk should be toweled off and an old chamois used after to remove water and mud from the coat. Long coated breeds should be dried with a hairdryer and then brushed or combed to prevent the hair from matting.

Both owners and dogs who continue to walk during winter will be trim, taut and terrific when summer arrives.

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