Thursday, May 28, 2009

PET HINT - Choosing a bird

Birds make wonderful pets. They are cheerful and friendly and the wide variety of shapes, colours and sizes means that you are sure to find one that will comfortably perch in your life.

If you have only a small area for your bird or live in a townhouse or a apartment, keep in mind the smaller breeds such as Budgies, Finches, Canaries and Lovebirds which do not require large aviaries. Smaller birds can also be easier to handle and are normally quieter.

Birds such as Cockatoos and Parrots, while excellent talkers, are also well known for their noisy squawking and are only suitable for people who do not have close neighbours. Many councils, in fact, prohibit the keeping of larger Parrots due to their noise.

If you are looking for a bird that can talk, male Budgies and Cockatiels are a good choice. While male Canaries cost almost double that of female Canaries, they will reward you with their pretty song.

When considering what bird to choose you also need to think about their lifespan. Budgies may only live for five to 15 years but other birds such as Parrots may live to 50 years and Cockatoos up to 100!

All birds love space so buy the largest cage you can afford, making sure that they can fully extend their wings.

Birds are also social so it’s important that they have company, either human or bird. A lonely bird will often develop behavioural problems like feather picking or never-ending screeching which will distress both you and your neighbours.

Some birds such as the native Lorikeet require specialised diets which can be expensive and time consuming to prepare. Other birds are happy with commercial seed mixes and fruit/vegetable treats which are easy to prepare.

When purchasing a bird from a breeder or store, make sure that the cages are clean and the birds have tight, clean and glossy feathers. Some pet stores hand-rear birds that grow into tame, easy to handle pets that are happy to come out of their cages. Make sure that that any bird is fully weaned before taking it home.
Newly purchased birds should be kept away from other birds for several weeks until you are sure they aren’t carrying a disease.

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