Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pets and Home Renovation

In the current volatile housing market, many people are choosing renovation over relocation.

With 85% of people continuing to live in their home as they renovate (1), it's important that renovators consider the needs of the family pet.

There are many hidden risks to pets in a renovation, not to mention the added stress of having unfamiliar people coming and going, loud noises and less attention than usual from members of the family.

Renovation risks to your pet

  • Fumes from paint or varnishes

  • Sharp tools

  • Power cords from electrical equipment that may be just too tempting for a puppy that loves to chew

  • Unsecured fencing that may allow your pet to wander

Most pets can be quite happy at home during renovations but it's important to eliminate risks and - as far as possible - reduce stress levels in the household.

Five tips to reduce renovation risks

  1. Don’t forget the basics. Your pet should be wearing a collar and identity tag with your telephone number at all times (even if it is micro-chipped)

  2. Areas such as the garden shed that your pet would not normally be able to access can contain potentially lethal materials such as snail pellets. Make sure your pooch is kept well away from garden sheds or areas containing gardening equipment.

  3. There will be people coming and going from your house during a renovation and they can’t be expected to keep an eye out for your pets. Make sure that your pet is in a secure area at all times.

  4. Make any changes to your pet’s sleeping or eating areas prior to the start of the renovations. Changes in environment or routine can be very stressful for a pet so it is best to establish new habits before any major changes begin.

  5. If your renovations are substantial and you can’t provide safe and secure surroundings for your pets, it may be best to temporarily move your pets to other accommodation. Cats, in particular, can become quite stressed by change and may benefit from being put in a cattery.

Pets look to their owners for love and security so it is important that you make time for your four legged friends during a renovation. Regular walks for a dog and a quiet place for a cat to watch the proceedings can go a long way to reducing the stress of a renovation for you and your best friend.

[1] AAMI research 2005

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